Renting – How it works
Send us your quick inquiry or object inquiry
Did you find your favorite apartment?
Please send us a request for the apartment with your information and wishes (questions/viewing appointment/book directly).
We will call you back and take care of the rental contract or the viewing appointment.
Are you still looking for a suitable apartment?
You can send us your main search criteria via the quick inquiry form: We will send you matching apartment suggestions according to your needs.
Are you looking for one or multiple corporate rentals (for employees, co-workers etc)?
Send us your search criteria via the corporate client inquiry form and we will get back to you asap with matching suggestions for rentals.
Drawing up the contract
Please fill out our registration form so we can draw up the contract or arrange a viewing appointment – we will take care of it immediately.
Payment of rent / security deposit
After the rental contract was signed and before moving in, the tenant has to transfer the rental payment and security deposit.
Apartment handover
The apartment handover can take place before the move-in date, once the first rental payment and security deposit have been transferred.
Any questions?
Give us a call or send us a message – our team is happy to help!